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Common Quick Business Valuation Methods

 As a longtime Business Broker in the Phoenix AZ market one of the most common questions I receive from small business owners and entrepreneurs I meet is this the following: How do I get a quick idea what my business might be worth? More often that not, most of these individuals are just looking for […]

Why Have A Business Valuation Performed?

Summary: Provides a list of some of the top reasons when and why you should consider having a professional business appraisal performed on your small business. As a professional small Business Broker I am occasionally asked by some small business owners when and what are the appropriate times or reasons to have a formal business […]

How To Incorporate A Business in Arizona

Below is a simple list of some of the very general steps involved in the process of incorporating a small business in Arizona. This does not include info about how to prepare the articles of incorporation (choosing directors, number of shares issues) which is self explanatory on the necessary forms you will be required to […]