How long will it take to sell my business ?

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This can depend on a wide variety of factors. On average, I advise my clients that if their business is properly prepared and priced, it could take anywhere from 3 to 6 months for their business to sell.  Obviously there are exceptions. I have seen some businesses sell in a matter of weeks and others have taken more than a year. In general, the sooner I receive all the necessary information to begin preparing the listing for the marketing process the shorter the time period should be to find a qualified buyer. The bottom line is that good businesses with a verifiable track record that are properly prepared, priced, and structured with reasonable terms from the start should eventually sell. Please call or text me now at 602-292-0553 to arrange a confidential consultation if you are ready to move forward and list your business now.

Note: I am confident going forward that my internet presence and marketing programs will continue to reduce the amount of time it takes to find qualified buyers for my listings. Contact me and I will share with you some recent Internet related success stories. Simply put, the more exposure a business listing receives the greater the chance of exposure to the right buyer.

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